Homeworks / domácí úkoly

23.02.2015 18:27

Monday, February 23

The homework is to cut out three circles from the worksheet.   Domácí úkol je vytřihnout tři kola z pracovního listu :-).


02.02.2015 14:41

Monday, February 2

The homework is to draw a picture of an activity that the student is doing at the certain time of day. Za domácí úkol je nakreslit obrázek, co dělám v danou hodinu. Každé dítě dostalo hodiny a určený čas.


27.01.2015 22:36

Tuesday, January 27th

Hw due Thursday, January 29th, Workbook 1,2/ 36


20.01.2015 17:01

Tuesday, January 20th

Workbook 4 /39 due on Thursday


08.01.2015 22:33

Homework due Monday, January 12th

Workbook  exercise 1, page 30 Workbook exercise 2, page 30


11.11.2014 22:23

Test on Thursday

Study for the test on Thursday. The test will contain six sentences about what you can do. Six sentences about what you can´t do. Answers for questions: Can you swim? Yes, I can./ No, I can´t. And answers for questions like Can a dog swim? Yes, it can.   Připravte se na text ve čtvrtek 13. 11....


06.11.2014 23:52

Homework due Monday, November 6

The students are supposed to finish the cluster in their notebooks. Here is the model:
